
Rc is a reference-counted shared pointer. Use this when you need to refer to the same data from multiple places:

use std::rc::Rc;

fn main() {
    let a = Rc::new(10);
    let b = Rc::clone(&a);

    println!("a: {a}");
    println!("b: {b}");

Each Rc points to the same shared data structure, containing strong and weak pointers and the value:

  • See Arc and Mutex if you are in a multi-threaded context.
  • You can downgrade a shared pointer into a Weak pointer to create cycles that will get dropped.
This slide should take about 5 minutes.
  • Rc’s count ensures that its contained value is valid for as long as there are references.
  • Rc in Rust is like std::shared_ptr in C++.
  • Rc::clone is cheap: it creates a pointer to the same allocation and increases the reference count. Does not make a deep clone and can generally be ignored when looking for performance issues in code.
  • make_mut actually clones the inner value if necessary (“clone-on-write”) and returns a mutable reference.
  • Use Rc::strong_count to check the reference count.
  • Rc::downgrade gives you a weakly reference-counted object to create cycles that will be dropped properly (likely in combination with RefCell).